Title I is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation that provides supplemental federal funding for low achieving children in schools that provide free and reduced lunches for disadvantaged students.
Title I is a program that provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children farthest from meeting challenging state standards.
The money travels from the federal government to Indiana to East Porter County School Corporation and then to eligible schools within the district. Currently, the eligible schools in East Porter County are Washington Township Elementary and Kouts Elementary School.
Census data are used to determine the amount of Title I money the district receives.
Title I helps schools by supplementing the regular education program and by helping students meet the Indiana Academic Standards.
Services to children are based on the academic needs of individual children, not on the socioeconomic level of a child or his/her family.
These students may be served:
Migrant children
Children with limited English proficiency
Children who are homeless
Children with disabilities
Any child who is in academic need
Title I requires states to develop standards and assessments that will challenge students served by Title I programs to perform to high levels.
Research suggests that high standards, when coupled with valid and reliable assessments and aligned support, can exert a powerful influence over what children are taught and how much they learn.